Case Conference December 26th 2012

26-Dec-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM

CASE CONFERENCE                  

December 26 th 2012


Mrs. HK, 70 yo, 3772488, JPK-GAKIN

Cervical carcinoma Stage IIB, on fith  series external radiation.



Mrs. Patient came to policlinic RSCM, was refered from Radiotherapy Departement with  cervical carcinoma  IIB on fith  external radiation pro chemotherapy ?


At the beginning, patient was refered from Tarakan Hospital ( dr.Ekarini.OBGYN)  directly to Radiotherapy Department with cervical carcinoma  stage IIIA pro radiation,

Patient had been performed biopsy, chest x-ray , anuscopy,  complete blood test and  consultation to cardiology in Tarakan Hospital, with PA result : Squamous cell carcinoma, non keratinizing, grade II, chest x-ray  and anuscopy revealed non metastase .

Cadiology consult from Tarakan  Hospital was ischemic heart disease sugested underwent echo .
Patient with  controled mellitus diabetes.


Married  < 20 yo, married 1X, P6, spontaneously menopause 20 years


Gen state

Abd : marker already done


Gyn state :

I : v/u normal

Io: portio with exophytic mass

RVT : exophytic cervix mass 2x2x2 cm, stiff  bilateral parametrium, until 1/3


PA (T.121051), Tarakan Hospital

Squamous cell carcinoma, non keratinizing, moderate differentiated


Chest-x ray ( 30/10/2012, Tarakan Hospital ):

Normal cor and pulmo

No lung metastase


Cystoscopy( 21/11/2012, RSCM) :



Assessment :

Cervical carcinoma stage IIB on external radiation.


Discussion with dr.Hariyono, OBGYN (C) :

Patient was directly refered from Tarakan Hospital, for radiation, now radiotherapy department sugested for getting chemotherapy.

à how to manage the case when colleague obgyn performed staging and decided to have the treatment for patient with cervical carcinoma by his/her self without any consultation to oncology departement.

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