Case Conference February 6th 2013
06-Feb-2013, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCLINICAL CONFERENCE
Ginekologi Onkologi
Mrs. N, 64 yo, 3775317
• Referred from PMI Bogor Hosp with Vaginal Carcinoma
• Bleeding since 1 year ago
• At PMI bogor Hosp did Biopsi à PA Result : Hemangioma Endotelioma susp malignancy
• P3
• Menopause 6 years ago
• BP : 120/80 mmHg
• Height : 158 kg Weight : 67,5 kg
• General Stat : WNL
Gyn St (05/02/2013)
I : v/u normal
Io : Mass at anterior vaginal and lateral vaginal diameter 5x6x4 cm. portio couldn’t be evaluated
RVT : uterus WNL, mass palpable size 7x3x4 cm at anterior until lateral wall of vagina. Smooth rektum mucosa.
PA From PMI Bogor (29/11/20120) :
Hemangioma Endotelioma susp malignant
Review Slide RSCM (19/12/2012) : No PA 1210165
Sarcoma more likely fibrosarcoma
Chest X Ray (17/12/2012)
Cor and Pulmo WNL, No sign of metastasis
Rectoscopy (19/12/2012)
No sign of metastasis, WNL
Cystoscopy evaluated and biopsy
Bladder neck WNL, mucosa buli hiperemis at trigonum area à performed biopsy
Result à Cystitis Polipoid, no sign of metastasis
US OncoGyn (20/12/2012)
Mass at anterior wall vagina size 5,6x2,3x3,1 cm, Cerviks coudnt be evaluated because covered by vaginal mass. Uterus size 4,1x2,3 cm, AF, echostructure parencime normal homogen, miometrium normal, EL 2mm. Serviks couldn’t identified.
MRI (16/01/2012)
Intravaginal mass sugestig malignant extended to the cervix and corpus uterus anterior wall. No sign of enlargement of the limfe.
Direct examination by Prof.DR.dr. Andriono Obgyn (C) :
Clinically mass unoperable although if we looked to the MRI look like operable mass. Is it operable or not correspond to the MRI (consulted to dr.Arman, SpRad) if mass operable considered to do vaginal examination in analgetic and what kind of technic that we are going to take .
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