Case Conference November 14th 2012

14-Nov-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM

CASE CONFERENCE                  

November 14th 2012



Mrs. Y.40 yo.348-59-58,        GAKIN

cervical carcinoma stage IIA progresif,  post radical hysterectomy , lost follow up, with vesico vaginal fistula.





Patient came to  policlinic with  complained of vaginal bleeding since October 2012, post coitalbleeding (+) since September 2010. Patient was refered from Elisabeth Hospital, Bekasi with biopsy result :scuamos cell carcinoma.


Menarche 13 yo

P2, married 1 x


Clinical examination :


Gen state :

within normal limit, no  inguinalsm axilla and supraclavicula LNDs  were palpabe

Gyn state :

Io : exophitic mass 4 x5x2 cm,fragile, easily bleed.

VRT :exophitic mass 4x5x2  cm until 1/3  proximal part of anterior vaginal wall. Loose parametrium.


Supportive data findings


PA result  (1/3/11 no.1101564)skuamos cell carcinoma unceratinized, moderate differentiation


US (14/3/11)

Cervical carcinoma



Cystoscopy (2/3/11) : normal

Rectoscopy (7/3/11): no rectal metastasis

BNO-IVP  (11/3/11) : normal

Chest x-ray (21/6/11) :  mild cardiomegaly, suspected left pleural efusion



Staging prof Andrijono : Cervical Carcinoma stage II A2


Planning :

NAC 3 series



Patient got NAC 3 series with PVB


Follow up



S : post PVB 3 series


O:gen state : normal

Gyn state :

I : v/u normal

Io : portio with exophitic mass 3x2.5x2 cm

VRT :  endophytic mass was palpated 3x2.5x2 cm, loose parametrium


Assessment : cervical carcinoma IIA post PVB 3 series with  partial respons


Planing : radical hysterectomy





Post NAC

Clinical examination

Portio diameter 4 cm

3x3x2 cm


3.4x2.6 cm



Performed radical hysterectomy (30/6/11)


Pre op dx :

Cervical carcinoma stage IIA , post NAC 3 series, partial respons


Post op dx :

Cervical carcinoma stage IIA , post NAC 3 series, partial respons


Operative  procedure :

Radical hysterectomy + SOD

Bilateral pelvic kymphadenectomy

While bladder was pushed, there were amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity, leaking from bladder was considered and after checked the bladder 2 point of leaking were noted than repaired using safil 2.0 continous and overlapping simple interupted.

Fresh tissue post operative evaluation : tumor sized LL:1.2 cm, AP: 1.7 cm; CC:2,2 cm

Border of incision : ant 1.5 cm; right lat : 2.3 cm; left lat : 1.3 cm post : 2.4 cm






PA result (1/7/11 no. 1105019)


Miroscopic :

Specimen from istmus uteri revealed same appearance with cervix mass.  Tumor invason reached 10-13 mm from  inner surface of canalis cervicalis.

Tubes and ovarian were normal, right and left parametrium were free of tumor.

There were 5 right pelvic LNds , 1 of them was positive metastasis

. Free margin vaginal cutting (1,3,5 mm)




Scuamosa cell carcinoma

Positive emboli lymphatic, hard lymphocyte

Free margin vaginal cutting

1   right pelvic LNDs  was positive metastasis



Patient was hospitalized until day-9  (8/7/12) post HR, on suprapubic catheter and bladder training




Patient came to ER theatre with complained of mixturition dificulty,  after 1 day before, the cystofix was taken out. There was lekeage from vaginal stump , methilen blue test was positive and was assessed with retentio urine, vesico vaginal fistula,


CC discussion (3//8/11)

1.     The present of vesicovaginal fistulas could be from :

·        Laseration durante operation

·        Necrotic proces at vesica area caused by monopolar disection


2.     Very important  to understand bladder training process

3.     If the fistula  was still small and just happened , not in a long timeà directly conservative

4.     Could be given indigo carmin for assessing conservative therapy effectiveness




performed cystoscopy :

fistula was present at posterior wall of the bladder , 2 cm from left ureter ostium, diameter fistula was 1 cm

à biopsy


PA biopsy : chronic cystitis





patient was discharge after given the information that patient most probably had to get the radiation after operative procedure ( at that time  PA result had not finished yet), if biopsy had negative result , patient must do repair first. But if the result positive , patient must do the radiation. Patient must controled in policlinic onco gyn


Patient controled to  urology policlinic  and had  been planed for  fistula repair 10th october 2010 but  many times  canceled caused by  full operative  schedules.




S : patient controled to onco gyn policlinic

O : gen state : no palpable LNds on supraclav,axilla and inguinal

Gyn state :

Catether (+)

Io : mass on vaginal stump ,  fragile, easily bleeding, patient felt pain while was iserting inspeculo

RVT : rectal mass (-)


CT-whole abdomen


·        Unvisible function, size and excresion of right kidney

·        Left hydronephrosis ec. ‘kingking’ of left proximal ureter

·        Residive mass that coming from tumor bed ( cervix-uteri) , infiltrated the bladder (postero-inferior bladder and rectum anterior )


A: cervical carcinoma stage IIA post radical Hysterectomy

Vesico vaginal fistula

P: consult to urology depart. for repairing fistula, pro radiation after fistula repairing.




Assessment dr.Irfan, urologyst :


1.     Planning cystoscopy after 3/9/12

2.     Planning to perform surgery at 11/10/12 ( workshop)


PA result (10/9/12):

Metastasis/ direct invasion adenoscuamosa carcinoma , could be from cervix. How about the last patology result?



Patient was consulted from urology departement, about probability for giving chemo-radiation. They canceled repair procedure as long as malignancy is still present.

Clinical exam :

Gyn state   : Io : there was fragile mass on vaginal stump,

RVT : necrotic mass was palpated on 1/3 anterior vaginal wall with fistulas d. 1 cm that were surounded by necrotic mass


Assessment : cervical carcinoma stage IIA progresif,  post radical hysterectomy , lost follow up, with vesico vaginal fistula.


Discussion with dr.Hariyono,OBGYN (C):

 plan to do radiation à discussion in CC



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