Case Conference November 1st 2012
01-Nov-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCASE CONFERENCE
November 1st 2012
Invasive Mole , Vaginal Metastasis.
patient came to emergency theatre at 3rd floor RSCM, with vaginal bleeding since 3 hrs before admission , with BP 90/60, was assessed with hypovolemic schock, got resussitation and transfusion.
(patient was refered from Tangerang Hospital with susp invasif molle ,choriocarcinoma)
One month before admission, patient was diagnosed with hidatidiform mole with b-hcg (>1 .000.000) and performed curretage at Tangerang Hospital. Post curretage evaluation , uterus was normal, b-hcg quantitative ( 2 weeks after curretage ) was 17.000
One week before admission , patient c omplained about her vaginal bleeding and performed total hysterectomy at Tangerang Hospital, and had no complain after the surgery.
Three hours before admission patient complained of heavy vaginal bleeding.
History illness :
Hypertention (+)
Cntraseption : DMPA
Gen state :
BP : 180/90 mmhg Pulse :110 RR: 20 x/m
Conj pale
Cor/pulmo : normal
abdomen : pain(-), mass(-)
Gyn state ;
I : v/u normal
Io : smooth vaginal stump, there was a mass 3 cm at anterior wall of vagina, actve bleedingà byopsy
V/RT : mass was palpated at anterior vagina wall 3x3x1 cm, fragile, , bleding, smooth vagiinal stump
Adnexal mass :-/-, smooth parametrium
US (emergency theatre ):
Right kidney : 6.25x3.05 dan left kidney 6.18x3.46 m, hepar normal
Conclusion :kidneys and hepar within normal limit
US FM (29/10/12) :
post total hysterectomy appearance and SOD, normal stump of vagina – granulation tissue
Lab findings :
Hb : 12.5/Ht :36.5%/ E: 4.33.!06,/L:13.060/ tr. 322.000
Na/K/Cl : 142/3.3/113
Ur/cr : 22.4/0.52
AST : 7/ALT :7
Alb : 3.43
Beta-HCG : 4034
Assessment :
History of hypovolemic shock ec vaginal bleeding ec susp invasive mole , vaginal metastase
FIGO scoring (modified WHO prognostic scoring system as adapted by FIGO): score 3 à low risk
Discussion with prof Andrijono : patient with vaginal metastasis à low risk ,planning got chemo with Mtx + Etoposide
Now patient is already in the ward, from discussion with DPJP (dr.Hariyono, OBGYN (C)) ,plan to have just methotrexat ( single agent), discussion in CC.
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