Case Conference September 5th 2012
05-Sep-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCervical Cancer IIIB Progresive, Post Chemoradiation (taxotere 3 series and complete radiation at 23/8/12)
Bilateral Supraclavicula Lymph Nodes Metastase
Bilateral Hydronephrosis on dj-stent
Mrs.NM, 31yo, 369 48 80,ASKES
0kt 2011
Patiet was in fifth weeks gestational age on second pregnancy and complained about her vaginal bleeding. Antenatal care with obgyn in Singaraja Hospital, was diagnosed low placental previa.
On her sixth week gestational age , patient was stil complaning of her vaginal bleeding, with other obgyn in Kasih Ibu Hospital, Bali, was diagnosed with polip.
Januari 7 th 2012
c-section due to leakage amniotic fluid at 33-34 weeks gestational age. After surgery patient still complained of her vaginal bleeding.
Peb 2012
Performed byopsi of the cervix, the result was cervical carcinoma
Came to medistra hospital ( Dr.dr.Laila,obgyn(C))and diagnosed with cervical carcinoma stage IIB and was refered to RSCM, but not directly performed radiation
Normal defecation and mixturition
Menarche 12 yo,P2 ( I.spontan, male, 3500 gram, spontan. II sc due to leakage amniotic, death, sepsis.
Contraseption (-)
Husband : GP, patients is midwife
Patient came to policlinic RSCM
Gen state : wnl, no palpable lymph node (inguinal,axila and supraclav)
Gyn state :
Io: exohytic mass in cervix area, fragile , easy bleeding
VRT :exophytic mass , easy bleeding, fragile, process until 1/3 qnterior vaginal wall, firm parametria
Supportive data :
Biopsy result (8/3/12): scuamosa cervical carcinoma,well differentiated
BNO-IVP (15/6/12) : non visualized left kidney, hydronephrosis grade III and hydroureter up to distal part.
Thorax : normal, no metastase
Rectoscoy : no metastase
Sistoscopy : cystitis polyploid
Assessment :
Cervical carcinoma IIIB,bilateral hydronephrosis
Planning : chemo and radiation
30/6/12 - 12/7/12
hospitalized in the ward with anemia
insertion dj stent
discussion with dr laila , with low CCT results :( 4/7 : 27, 6/7 : 12; 12/7 : 51),à plan to get taxotere weekly
12/7/12, 24/7/12 and 31/7/12
Got chemotherapy-doxotaxel 60 mg , 3 series
Complete external and internal radiation ( end at 23/8/12)
August 24 th 2012
Had lumps in supraclavicula lymphnodes bilateral with FNAB :positive metastase SCC could be from cervix
Gen state : enlargement of bilateral supraclavicula,left 3x2 cm, right 2x1 cm
Gyn state : necrotic tissue at stump of vagina. Diameter 3 cm
RVT : vagina, portio and parametria were still firm
Assessment :
Cervical cancer IIIB progresive, post chemoradiation (taxotere 3 series and complete radiation at 23/8/12)
Bilateral hydronephrosis on dj-stent
Bilateral supraclavicula lymph nodes metastase
Discussion with Dr.dr.Laila obgyn (C): phaliative phase, discussion in CC
doctitaxel 60 mg
patient with ca cx IIIB
RE 25 x
Toxotere chemo 3 times ( canceled 2 times because the patient condition)
Gen state :
Metastasis of right lymphnode KGB inguinal
Gyn state :
In: v/u normal
Io: necrotic tissue in vaginal stump, diameter 3 cm
RVT : parametrium still not loose, vagina and portioo were firm
patient contr9oled after IR 3 times
gen state : enlargement of lymphnode at I right nguinal and left supraclavicula, sternocleiodo
Positif, metastase scc could be from cervix
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