Case Conference August 29th 2012

29-Aug-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM

Reccurence Tubal carcinoma, Hystory of SOB-HT nov 2010

History of Unconsious Due to Septic Shock, Improvement

Bilateral Pleural Effusion on Bilateral WSD, Post Right Pleural Fibrosis, Hypoalbuminemia,DIC



Mrs.S, 49 yo,P3,3717976,jamkesmas


Refered from Abdul Moeloek Hospital Lampung with ovarian ca recurens


At November 1 st 2010 performed SOB-HT  and adhesiolysis with  dx pre op :ovarian cyst, post op dx : neoplasma ovarian cystic susp maligna ( operation findings :  uterus normal, cystic mass from right ovary 20x25 cm, adhered with rectum and uterine fundus, left ovary and tube were normal).

After the operation, patient didn’t control to hospital although the doctor said that the result was cancer and wanted to refer to RSCM.

PA result (PA.1101-10)

 cystadenoma serosum ovary in one side, and adenocarcinoma tuba in other side


July 25 th 2012

Patient came to Abdul Moeloek with distended abdomen. decreasing body weight (+), patient refered to RSCM



Gen State :

Body weight : 35 cm  Height :150 cm

Eyes : pale conj -/-, icteric -/-

Thorax: WSD bilateral

Abd: ascites (+), with solid part in superficial susp omental cake


Gyn state :

Io: mass  filling the vagina

RVT : Solid mass filling  the vagina

Good TSA, smooth rectal mucous, solid mass palpated extra lumen, pressing the rectum.



BNO : Soft tissue filling pelvic cavity, Until hemiabdomen

Bilateral pleural efusion


Ultrasound (31/7/12)

solid mass filling pelvic abdomen,hypoechoic,inhomogen,7X10X7 cm, RI : 0,54,free fluid anechoic (+),nodul hepar 36 mm
Coclusion : ascites, susp hepar metastases, moderate bilateral  hydronephrosis



cytology pleural efusion :

10/8/12 : Pleura  : eksudat
13/8/12: mesotel reaktif


cytology ascites : no malignan cells


 DPL :8.9/21730/293.000 ur/cr : 61/0,5

Albumin : 1.07


Thorax photo :

Pleural Effusion














++, Collapsed lung



Follow up (28/8/2012)

S: weak, history of apneu during right pleuro fibrosis yesterday

O: CM, BP: 90/40 mmHg  N:88x/m, regular, smooth,RR:18x/m

    C/P: bilateral WSD, serous

     abd: ascites 9-), pain (-)  

     gyn state: bleeding-


Assessment :

·        Reccurence Tubal carcinoma, hystory of SOB-HT nov 2010

·        History of unconsious due to septic shock, improvement

·        Bilateral pleural efusion on bilateral WSD, psot right pleural fibrosis

·        Hypoalbuminemia

·        DIC


Planning :

Albumin corection

Tienam 2X1 gr

Levofloxasin 1X 500 mg


Chest physiotherapy


         IVFD : TE: aminofluid = 1;2

         Nacl 0.9%


Discussion (dr.Rudd Bekkers)

Planning to get chemotherapy with carbo  AUC 2, weekly, 3 series,informed choice with the family




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