Case Conference August 29th 2012
29-Aug-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMIdentity
Mrs.S, 65 yo, 3549374 JAMKESMAS
Refered by Rumah Sakit Islam Jakarta due to endometrial adeno carcinoma
Since march 2012, vaginal bleeding +
No weight loss, urinating and defecating wnl
P5, no family planning
Menopause 10 y
Hypertention(+), DM type II (+)
Performed curretage with histopathology result adeno carcinoma
US :5/6/2012
Uterus , shape wnl, size 7x4x4 cm, retroflexion, no mass intraparenchimal. Endometrium was 28.6 cm thicked, made invasion to the posterior corpus 15-23 mm. Other wnl
Endometrial thickened susp malignant process with invasion more than ½ uterus thickness
Slide Review PA 1203960
Adenosquamous carcinoma, moderater differentiated
Notes possible of endometrioid adenocarcinoma with poor diferentiated
Tumour location?
Examined by dr Gatot
Porsio wnl, uterus slightly enlarged
Susp endometrial cancer stage IB
Performed :Laparotomy surgical staging : Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, BSO, pelvic and para aortic lymphadenectomy
Pre-op dx: Endometrial Ca IB
Post op dx : Endometrial Ca IB
Operation findings :uterus within normal limit, both adnexa were atrophic
Histopathology Examination
Endometrioid adenocarcinoma of endometrium, well deiferentiated, made invasion more than half of uterus thickness
Infitration to fat tissue of paraaortic LN
One of periglandular paraaortic LN consist of group of malignant cell
Discuss with Dr.dr.Laila, obgyn(C) :
How far/deep the area that invade by the malignant cell? à CPC
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