Case Conference August 15th 2012
15-Aug-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMProgresive Endometrial CA Stage III Post Optimal Debulking and Incomplete Chemotherapy Intrabdominal Mass Susp Omental Cake dd/ LN Enlargement
Mrs O, 52 yo 3502351, JAMKESDA
Patient was Referred by Karawang Hospital at May 2011 due to endometrial Carcinoma with histopathology result from curretage : adenoca endometrium, complained post menopausal bleeding and discharge from vagina. Physical examination : uterus was enlarge as adult fist. Ultrasound : Endometrium irregular , volum lession 86mm3 susp maligna , infiltrated almost all of myometrium thicness (>1/2)
Slide Review PA(4/5/2011 no 1103158 ) Papilary adenocarcinoma with origin hard to asses, comment: suspected from cervical. Clinically?
performed Total Hysterectomy and BSO, LN debulking, with pre op diagnostic : endometrial cancer susp high risk, post op diagnostic : optimally debulked advance stage endometrial cancer
PA (1/6/2011 no 1104178 )
Adenocarcinoma endometrium, endometrioid type, moderate diferentiated
Lymphatic invasion
Deepest invasion more than ½ miometrium
Right ovari: cystadenoma serosum ovarii
Right pelvic LN (1 LN), left pelvic LN (4 LN) consist of tumor
4 Paraaortic LN from 6 LN, consist of tumor cell
Discussed in CC (June 15 th 2011) andd CPC ( june 26 th 2011)) :
discrepancy from hystophatology result ( pre operative : Papilary adenocarcinoma and post op : Adenocarcinoma endometrium) à morphologycally : papiler with type cell : Adenocarcinoma endometrioid type), the origin was from endometrium. No marker for paraaorta LN. ERBT as high as renal vein, and decided to have chemotherapy :platinum based and adryamycin, no radiotherapy.
Lost follow up (her sister who accompanied her was also sick )
patient came to piliclinic with abdominal pain. Had been planed chemotherapy, but didn’t came. Clinically NED. US findings : no growth mass in pelvic regio, paraaortic LN erlargement susp active spreading ( sized 40x25 mm)
Assessment with dr Laila, there was no choice except chemoà continue treatment with chemotherapy.
Patient had chemotherapy then, with Adriamycin and carboplatin 4 series, with US oncology result (5/4/2012) paraaortic LN ( same as last examination desember 2011)-enlargement 4 paraaorta à discussion with dr laila, continue chemo IV
patient came to policlinic with abdominal discomfort, mass intraabdomen. Finished only 4 series of chemotherapy because of her sister was sick again.
Physical exam :Abdomen: solid mass, fixed in umbilical regio diameter 10 cm
Gyn state;
Vaginal stump smooth, loose parametrium, no mass
US oncology (7/8/12)
Unvisualized uterus and both adnex, no free fluid
Bowel adhesion surround blader
Hepar wnl, no parailaiac LNs enlargement
4 paraaortic LN enlarged,
Compared with april 2012, increasing of size and amount of LN
A: Progressif endometrial Ca stage III post optimal debulking and incomplete chemotherapy
Intrabdominal mass susp omental cake dd/ LN enlargement
Patient with post BSO-HT/ de bulking on endometrial carcinoma stage III
Post chemotherapy 4 series (incomplete)
Now the diseasse is progressif ( mass, lymph nodes)
Pain (+)
ànot respons with chemotherapy
planning : paliatif phase à discussion in CC
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