Case Conference June 13th 2012

13-Jun-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM


June 13th 2012


Mrs. Y, 43 yo, 354-97-13, SKTM

Cervical Cancer stage I B1




May 8th, 2012


Patient was referred from PMI Bogor Hospital with cervical cancer post D/C. Patient complained of irregular bleeding and leucorea, then came to PMI Bogor Hospital à performed D/C à PA result was Cervical cancer.


Patient came with chief complain of irregular menstruation about 2 years.

Patient also complain of smelly leukorea and post coital bleeding since 2 month ago, decreasing appetite, body weight is stable, defecation and urinary within normal limit.

Previous history: DM(-), HT (-), cor/pulmo disease (-),history of tumor/cancer(-)

Previous history in family: DM (-), HT (-), cor/pulmo (-), history of tumor (-)


Menstruation history:

Regular menstruation, long of menstruation 7 day,  dismenorrhea (-), change pad 2-3x

Marital history:

She was married when she was 21st years old


Obstetrical history : P4 ( the oldest child is 22 years old, the youngest 10 years old )

Family Planning history: IUD

Social history :Husband works as a driver  and the patient works as a housewife




General status, Compos mentis

BP 110/70 mmHg  Pulse 82x/min  RR 18x/min  T 360 C

Height 158 cm           BW 61 kg      


Conjunctiva    : not anemic

Heart/lung     :wnl

Abdomen       : wnl

Extremities     : edema -/-

Lymph node   :no enlargement in supraclavicular, inguinal lymph node


Gynecological status

Inspection      :within normal limit

Inspeculo       : erotion portio, easily bleed, fluor (+), fluxus (-)

RVT                 :uterus slightly enlarged, retroflexed, closed ostium, tender    parametria,   adnexal mass (-), pain (-). Smooth rectum mucosal.


PA Result (D/C) on April 4th 2012 à PMI Bogor Hospital

I.                    Mixed type of cervical carcinoma

-          Villoglandular adenocarcinoma well differentiated

-          Skuamous cell carcinoma without keratin moderately differentiated

II.                  Endometrial polyp




Oncology USG ( May 11th 2012 )

Uterus size 6,5x5,2x5,1 cm, retroflexed, inhomogen echostructure, with solid lesion at the posterior corpus, irregular shape, size 5,9x3,9x4,8 cm, vol. 58 cm3

RI 0,65

Endometrial thickness 5 mm, regular

Homogeny cervix, no mass/lesion was seen, size 2x4x4 cm, vol 17 cm3, no vascularization.

Both adnexae and ovary were normal

No free fluid was seen in Douglas pouch

Normal liver, lien, renal and no ascites.

Conclusion : Uterine with solid lesion at the posterior corpus size 5,9x3,9x4,8 cm suspected adenomyosis; regular endometrium (thickness 5 mm). Homogen cervix, size 2x4x4 cm, no mass/lesion.


Review slide ( May 14th 2012 )

I. Cervical adenosquamous carcinoma

    Mild lymphosit reaction, necrotic was found

    Limphovascular invasion was found

II.Endometrial in proliferation irregular with tumor pattern was same with point 






June 1st 2012


Inspeculo   : Cervicitis like

RVT             : normal shape and size of the cervix

A/ Cervical cancer stadium IA?

P/ Planning for Laparoscopy Total Hysterectomy ( extended/extrafasial )


June 8th 2012

Re-examination :

Inspection : wnl

Inspeculo  : ectopic portio with solid part at 11-13 o’clock suspected endofitic


RVT                        : palpable endofitic mass at 11-13 o’clock size 1x0,5x0,5 cm. Smooth                 parametria, no palpable abnormal mass from both adnexae


A/ Cervical carcinoma stadium IB1


P/ Radical Hysterectomy







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