Case conference May 16th 2012
16-Mei-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCASE CONFERENCE
MAY 16th 2012
Ms. M., 28 yo, 3443484, Gakin
Dysgerminoma post SOS + chemotherapy PVB (6 series)
December 22th, 2010
Patient was referred from RSUD Koja with pelvic mass (dysgerminoma) suspect residive
CC: abdominal mass since 1 year
11 months before: surgery at RSUD Koja Jakarta ΰ left salphingoovorectomy ΰ lost of follow up (2x visits after surgey).
PA Sukanto Hospital (k 2100059): dysgerminoma
Abdominal mass again since 2 months before.
January 5th, 2011
Review slide result: dysgerminoma of ovary
US: Solid ovarian neoplasmwith vol>3400cm3 susp maligna. Metastases lesion on hepar (-), paraaortic lymph nodes (-), bilateral hydronephrosis grade 2, pleural effusion (-), ascites minimal.
CC Result January 12th, 2011
Patient should be hospitalized because there was renal impairment
Discuss with urology department for the possibility of having URS, nefrostomy, or double G.
Evaluation after procedure to make better renal function, wheter we will give chemotherapy or chemoradiation.
January 17th, 2011
Urologist: bilateral DJ stent insertion
February - October, 2011
Chemotherapy Carbo/Vinblalstin/Bleomysin 6 series
Jully 13th, 2011
FM US: post left oovorectomy, no sign of uterine abnormality, right adnexal adhesion, no sign of new mass nor metastases.
November 18th, 2011
FM US: right adnexal mass, adhesion mass (right adnexal inflammation) compared to previous US: hydrosalphing and adhesion on the right adnexa ΰ advise: cautious on the right adnexa mass, seromarker check and US in 3 months
Discussion with consultant dr. Andi D., OBGYN(C)
Suspect residive ΰ discuss in CC
CT scan
Discussion with consultant dr. Hariyono OBGYN(C)
Considering LDH before chemo 2084 ΰ 440 (respon), eventhough (post chemo 3x 361)
Clinically no mass
US: small mass 2,5cm, pseudocyst before 4,8cm
November 24th, 2011
Discussion with consultant dr. Sigit P., OBGYN(C)
residual mass on previous operation ΰ seems no residu
LDH 2084 ΰ 440 ΰ respon, but theres increasing after chemo 3 series (360)
Patient already stop chemo quite long (last chemo 5/10/11)
ΰ evaluate LDH, perform CT scan if possible
December 21st, 2011
CT scan: right adnexal mass size 3,1x2,7x2,3cm, non spesific hepatomegaly, no sign of lymph node enlargement or metastases
January 2nd, 2012
Discussion with Dr. Laila, SpOG(K)
Two option: closed observation for 2 months, tumor marker exam+US
Laparoscopy biopsy
Patient and family choose to have observation first
March 6th, 2012
No complain, already menstruating for 2 months
Physical exam: wnl
Oncology US:
New mass: negative
Right mass: stqa
(still on the same size with CT scan result 27/12/11 by dr. Arman,SpRad)
Control every 2 months, check tumor marker (AFP, LDH), US
May 10th, 2012
No complain
Physical Examination:
General status: wnl
Gynecological status
I : vulva, uretra wnl
Io : portio smooth, pushed right-posteriorly
RT : uterus normal size and shape, no palpable mass
Oncology US :
New mass: negative
Right mass: stqa
(still on the same size with CT scan result 27/12/11 by dr. Arman,SpRad)
27/12/10 |
2084 |
3,3 |
13/07/11 |
361 |
3,1 |
17/11/11 |
447 |
3,1 |
23/02/12 |
342 |
2,2 |
04/05/12 |
326 |
2,2 |
Discussion with Consultan Dr. dr. Laila Nurana, OBGYN (C)
θ Bring the case to Clinical Conference on May 16th, 2012
- Dysgerminoma post SOS + chemotherapy PVB (6 series)
- Next plan for this patient, observation only or operative?
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