Case Conference May 16th 2012
16-Mei-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCASE CONFERENCE
MAY 9th 2012
Mrs. LM., 27 yo, 3364850, Jamkesmas
Residive ovarian carcinoma, post conservative surgery and chemotherapy 2x, gravid G2P1 5 wga
January 28th, 2010
• Patient was referred from RSUD Bekasi with suspected ovarian carcinoma+ascites
• CC: abdominal mass
• 3 months before: surgery at M. Jamil Hospital Padang à only biopsy and ascites citology à benign
• PA (PJ-1411-09): ovarian cyst biopsy, fibrocollagen tissue. No evidence of benign or malignant epithel from cyst wall
October 23th, 2010
• RSCM: performed laparotomy conservative surgical staging à ovarian carcionoma clinically stage IC
• PA result:
• cystadenocarcinoma musinosum well differentiated of right ovary
• invasion of lymph vessel
• no lymph nodes metastase
• Sitology result : inconclusive, atypical cells tend to neoplasm
CC Result February 2nd, 2010
• Chemotherapy CP 6 series
Patient refused à want to continue medication in Padang
At Padang à Chemotherapy only twice, loss of folloe up due to financial problem
April 30th, 2012
• Back to RSCM
• CC: abdominal mass
• LMP 2 months ago
Social and Obstetrical Status:
Married : 1 x
Occupation : housewife
Physical Examination:
General status, Compos mentis
BP 120/80 mmHg Pulse 80x/min RR 18x/min T afebrile
Conjunctiva : not anemic
Heart/lung : wnl
Abdomen : wnl
Extremities : edema -/-
Gynecological status
Inspection : vulva, uretra wnl
Io : portio smooth, pushed right-posteriorly
RVT : portio pushed posteriorly, palpable cystic mass size 20x20x20cm with limited
Oncology US May 1st, 2012
Uterus normal size and shape, size 12x5cm, parenchym echostructure homogen, no mass, GS intra uterine with YS and embrionic pole with positive heart motion.
Left adnexa à multilocular cystic mass size 17x13x14cm=1834mL, septa 2mm, anechoic echointernal, no solid part
è Left cystic ovarian neoplasm progresive?
Bilateral hydronephrosis
Amenorhea due to gravid
Ca-125: 12,2
Pregnancy test: positive
Discussion with Consultan Prof.Andrijono OBGYN (C)
è Bring the case to Clinical Conference at May 9th, 2012
- Residive ovarian carcinoma, post conservative surgery and chemotherapy, G2P1 5wga
- Induced abortion continue with chemotherapy 3x à evaluation?
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