Case conference May 9th 2012
09-Mei-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCASE CONFERENCE
MAY 9th, 2012
Mrs. E, 31 yo,3690730, JAMKESMAS
Vulvar carcinoma with cystic ovarian neoplasm susp.malignant (RMI 732.6)
Bilateral hydronephrosis on cystostomy
April 10th, 2012
• Referred by RSUD Bekasi with cervical cancer post cystostomy
• Chief complain: mass on genital since 1 year ago, enlarge and fragile, pain (+)
• Vaginal discharge (+), foul odor.
• Difficulty in urinating àcystostomy in RSUD Bekasi
Previous history : DM (-), HT (-), cor/pulmo disease (-)
History of tumor /cancer(-)
Previous history in family : DM (-), HT (-), cor/pulmo (-)
Marital history : 1x
Obstetrical history : P2, youngest 10 yo
General status
Compos mentis
BP 120/80 mmHg Pulse 86x/min RR 18x/min T 36.70 C
Conjunctiva : pale -/-
Heart/lung : wnl
Abdomen : Palpable cystic mass with until 2 finger above umbilicus, cystostomy: no obstruction
Extremities : edema -/-
Lymph node : no enlargement in supraclavicular and inguinal lymph node
Gynecological status
Inspection : Vulva with exophitic mass, fragile and easily bleed à biopsy
Inspeculo : can not be done due to vulvar mass.
RVT :Vaginal wall was rigid with exophitic mass, cervix was smooth, uterine size was normal,there was abdominal mass fixed seems unite with mass at the vagina.
Laboratory :
CBC : 12.6/39.3/9420/370000/89/28/32
OT/PT : 17/7
Ur/Cr : 21/1.1
Alb : 3.87
Cr (urine) 24 hr: 0.81
Volume urine:2170
CCT: 60.14
Na/K/Cl: 135/ 4.59/ 93.9
Urinalysis: wnl
PA (no.1202991),April11th,2012:
Adenocarcinoma mucinosum vulva
CXR, April 23rd, 2012:
Wnl, no sign of metastases
Gynecology US, April 24th, 2012:
Intra abdominal mass susp.malignant ovarian cyst neoplasm
Urinary retension
Bilateral hydronephrosis
Minimal free fluid in fossa splenorenal
Vaginal cancer cannot be assessed.
Assessment by consultant on April 26th, 2012:
Patient was diagnosed as vulvar carcinoma with malignant cystic ovarian neoplasm susp synchronize.
Plan to perform NAC with (Carboplatin AUC 5 and Paclitaxel).
If response àPelvic exenteration.
Laboratory on May 07th, 2012
CBC : 12.8/39.3/9950/408000/88/28/32
OT/PT : 18/7
Alb : 3.86
Ur/Cr : 16/1.1
Volume urine:5250 ml
CCT: 49.32
Na/K/Cl: 139/4.24/97.6
Vulvar carcinoma with cystic ovarian neoplasm susp.malignant (RMI 732.6).
Bilateral hydronephrosis on cystostomy
Assessment by consultant: Prof. Dr. dr.Andrijono, OBGYN (C)
Next plan for this patient will be discussed in case conference
Vulvar carcinoma with malignant cystic ovarian neoplasm susp synchronize, with hydronephrosis bilateral on cystostomy and low CCT (49.32),
Which therapy we should give to the patient ?
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