Case Conference Mei 2nd 2012
02-Mei-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMCASE CONFERENCE
MAY 2nd 2012
Mrs N, 51 yo, 3248562, Jamkesmas
Residive vulvar carcinoma, post adjuvant radiation, post radical vulvectomy and inguinal lymphadenectomy
January 12th, 2005
• Patient was referred to RSCM Pasar Rebo with suspected varicous carcinoma
• CC: Mass in vulvar region, redness (+), itchy (+), vaginal discharge (+)
• PA Pasar Rebo Hospital (10/10/08): verrucous carcinoma
October 23th, 2008
• RSCM: diagnosed vulvar carcinoma st II
• slide review: squamous cell carcinoma keratinizing, well differentiated
April 30th, 2009
• Operative: radical vulvectomy, bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy
June 9th, 2009
• PA (No.PA 0902819): well differentiated vulvar squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization with macroscopically free margin 1.2 mm from the edge of tumor
• CPC: 1,2 mm àobservation
December 27th, 2010
• CC: new vulvar mass
• àResidive vulvar carcinoma
December 29th, 2010
CC result:
• if bone scan (+) à radiation, if (-) à under narcose exam
• if MRI metastase (+) à radiation, if (-) àunder narcose exam
• resectable: surgery
• non resectable: radiation
27/06/11 MRI: metastase to parametrium, no inguinal lymph node enlargement
13/06/11 Bone scan: no bone metastase
June 30th, 2011
Assesment by consultant (dr Sigit P, OBGYN (C):
RT : tumor mass infiltrate right musc bulbocavernous
A: residive vulvar carcinoma, unresectable
P: radiation
August 4th – September 30th, 2011
• external radiation
October 11th, 2011
No complain, follow up in 3 months
January 4th, 2012
CC: pain in mixturition
Gyn St: I: tumor mass (-)
à follow up in 3 months
March 13th, 2012
CC: pain in vulvar region
Social and Obstetrical Status:
Married : 1 x, P5 with the youngest child is 18 years old
Occupation : housewife
Physical Examination:
General status, Compos mentis
BP 120/80 mmHg Pulse 80x/min RR 18x/min T afebrile
Conjunctiva : not anemic
Heart/lung : wnl
Abdomen : wnl
Extremities : edema -/-
Gynecological status
Inspection : hyperemic fourchette, swelling (+)
RVT : not performed due to pain
Discussion with Consultan Prof.Andrijono OBGYN (C),
Biopsy on suspicious lession:
If (+)à niddle radiation
If (-)à follow up
March 16th, 2012
Biopsy perineum (suspicious lession)
PA result (16/03/12): well differentiated residive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization
Residive vulvar carcinoma post adjuvant radiation, post radical vulvectomy and inguinal lymphadenectomy
CC result April 4th, 2012
Prof Heintz
- Perform MRI (pelvic abdomen) to compare with previous MRI, wheter there is metastase
- If metastase (-) à radiation/chemotherapy will not give good result à the choice: operative
- Operative will be difficult due to history of radical vulvectomy and will need flap (join operation with plastic surgery) and there will be healing problem due to post radiation.
- Flap will be taken from abdomen area (supraumbilical) with abundant vascularization, or upper thigh
MRI 19/4/12
Residif malignant mass at right labia mayora with infiltration to distal vagina, right m levator ani and m obturator internus, with cloudness peri-rectal fat.
Discussion with Prof.dr. Andrijono, Obgyn(C):
Discuss with dr. Arman, Rad about consideration of:
- Whether we can repeat the resection
- If yes, where is the resection margin?
- If no, is there any radiotherapy intervention?
Discussion with dr. Arman, Rad
Patient vulvar carcionam residive post adjuvant radiation (last 30/9/11) post radical vulvectomy + bilateral lymphadenectomy (30/4/09)
- Resection will be difficult because tumor margin is unclear, possibility or residif will be high (tumor and rectum margin is unclear à risk)
- Consideration to give TACI 3 series (localized) for 1 monththrough femoralis vessel to minimize tumor size. Evaluate with previous MRI, wheter it is possible to do resection
Discussion with Prof.dr. Andrijono, Obgyn(C)
- Bring the case at CC 2/5/12
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