Case Conference April, 4th 2012

05-Apr-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM


APRIL 4th 2012



Mrs N, 51 yo, 3248562, Jamkesmas

Residive vulvar carcinoma, post adjuvant radiation, post radical vulvectomy and inguinal lymphadenectomy


January 12th, 2005

         Patient was referred to RSCM Pasar Rebo with suspected varicous carcinoma

         CC: Mass in vulvar region, redness (+), itchy (+), vaginal discharge (+)

         PA Pasar Rebo Hospital (10/10/08): verrucous carcinoma


October 23th, 2008

         RSCM: diagnosed vulvar carcinoma st II

         slide review: squamous cell carcinoma keratinizing, well differentiated


April 30th, 2009

         Operative: radical vulvectomy, bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy


June 9th, 2009

         PA (No.PA 0902819): well differentiated vulvar squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization with macroscopically free margin 1.2 mm from the edge of tumor

         CPC: 1,2 mm àobservation


December 27th, 2010

         CC: new vulvar mass

         àResidive vulvar carcinoma


December 29th, 2010

CC result:

         if bone scan (+) à radiation, if (-) à under narcose exam

         if MRI metastase (+) à radiation, if (-) àunder narcose exam

         resectable: surgery

         non resectable: radiation


27/06/11      MRI: metastase to parametrium, no inguinal lymph node enlargement

13/06/11      Bone scan: no bone metastase


June 30th, 2011

Assesment by consultant (dr Sigit P, OBGYN (C):

RT : tumor mass infiltrate right musc bulbocavernous

A: residive vulvar carcinoma, unresectable

P: radiation


August 4th – September 30th, 2011

         external radiation


October 11th, 2011

No complain, follow up in 3 months



January 4th, 2012

CC: pain in mixturition

Gyn St: I: tumor mass (-)

à follow up in 3 months


March 13th, 2012

CC:  pain in vulvar region


Social and Obstetrical Status:


Married       : 1 x, P5 with the youngest child is 18 years old

Occupation : housewife



Physical Examination:


General status, Compos mentis

BP 120/80 mmHg     Pulse 80x/min  RR 18x/min               T afebrile

Conjunctiva   : not anemic

Heart/lung    : wnl

Abdomen       : wnl

Extremities    : edema -/-


Gynecological status

Inspection     : hyperemic fourchette, swelling (+)

              RVT                  : not performed due to pain   


Discussion with Consultan Prof.Andrijono OBGYN (C),

Biopsy on suspicious lession:

If (+)à niddle radiation

If (-)à follow up


March 16th, 2012

Biopsy perineum (suspicious lession)

PA result (16/03/12): well differentiated residive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma with keratinization



Residive vulvar carcinoma post adjuvant radiation, post radical vulvectomy and inguinal lymphadenectomy



Vulvar carcinoma residive, post adjuvant radiation:

Is it necessary to give either chemotherapy or repeat radiation?


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