Case conference 4th jan 2012

04-Jan-2012, Divisi ginekologi onkologio RSCM


JANUARY 4th, 2012



Mrs. S, 48yo, P3A1, 359-71-16






December 11th, 2011


Patient came to RSCM with chief complain lower abdominal pain since 2 years before admission. (Refered to RSCM for sonographic examination)


Vaginal bleeding (+) and vaginal discharge since 2 years ago.

Postcoital bleeding (+).

Decreasing BW (+), 10 kgs in 2 years.

Difficulties in micturition and defecation (+).


Married 1x, 20 ys. P3A1, youngest child 15 ys





General status, Compos mentis

BP 120/80 mmHg     Pulse 88x/min           RR 18x/min   T afebrile

Height 155 cm           BW 40 kg

Conjunctiva    : not anemic

Heart/lung     :wnl

Abdomen       :supel, bowel sound (+), tenderness (+) at lower abdominal

Extremities     : edema -/-


Gynecological status

Inspection      : wnl

Inspeculo       : portio endophytic,  necrotic tissue (+), fluor (-), fluxus (+)

VRE                 : portio enlarge 5x5x3 cm, cut wnl, parametrium rigid to the pelvic

                              Wall. Spingter ani tone wnl, rectal mucose smooth, no mass



(December 11th, 2011)

CBC: 7.35/26.7/10300/425000/57/15/27   ur/cr: 22.5/0.5   RBG: 107

SGOT/PT: 32/17   uric acid: 3.0   Na/K/Cl: 135/4.03/98

(December 13th, 2011) after blood transfussion PRC 737 cc

CBC: 10.6/34/22100/326000/66/20/31


US examination on December 9th 2011

-          Anteflexed uterus, uterine corpus and fundus wnl, with enlargement size. Regular endometrium. Uterine cavum was opened, consist of echointernal substance size 75x35 mm, originated from hematometra.

-          Uterine cervix enlarge consist of echogenic mass with iregular and unclear border, inhomogen shape 44x23 mm, originated from cervix malignancy. Internal uterine ostium and both parametria were invated by mass.

-          Both ovaries wnl

-          No enlargement of para aorta and right para iliaca lymph nodes. Left para ilaca lymph nodes was enlarge 27x17 mm.

-          Liver, spleen and both kidney normal

-          No ascites

Conclusion :

Hematometra dd/ piometra ec carcinoma cervix. Mass invated to internal uterine ostium and parametria. Enlargement of left para iliaca lymph nodes.


December 19th, 2011

Assessment by consultant : Dr. dr. Laila N, SpOG (K)

Endofitic mass at the uterine cervix size 5x5x3 cm

RVT :cut normal, mass at the left parametrium to the pelvic wall


December 20th, 2011

Rectoscopy result was no metastatic tumor at the rectal mucose


December 21st, 2011

Cystoscopy result was cystitis


December 22nd, 2011

Patology result from biopsy was Positive. Adenocarcinoma mucinous cervix with villoglandular varian, good differentated.


Chest X-Ray: Multiple nodules ~ lung metastatic


BNO-IVP: Secretion and ecretion of both renal were normal.



Cervical cancer st IVB (lung metastatic)



Palliative treatment à radiation palliative pelvic

Lung metastatic à Chemotherapy with cisplatin

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