Case conference Nov 2nd 2011
02-Nov-2011, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCMNovember 1th 2011
Mrs. P/ 47yo/P2/352-43-43/SKTM
Oct 25th, 2011
Patient came to RSCM with chief complain abdominal enlargement since 4 months before admission. Since 4 month ago, patient complain abdominal enlargement, solid, low appetite. Sometimes dyspneu, nausea and vomiting (+).
Patient already menopause since 2 years ago.
Decreasing BW (+)
Difficulties in micturition and defecation.
History of operation (-)
Astma (-), Hipertension (-), DM(-)
Married 1x, P2
General status, Compos mentis
BP 110/80 mmHg Pulse 104x/min RR 20x/min T 34,7 c
Height ... cm BW ... kg
Conjunctiva : not anemic
Heart/lung :wnl
Abdomen :cystic mass with solid part, fixed until 3 finger under Proc. Xiphoideus, tenderness (+), irregular surface
Extremities : edema -/-
Gynecological status
Inspection :wnl
Inspeculo : portio retraction to anterior,smooth, close of ostium
VRE : Uterus retracted to anterior looks normally, feel cystic mass with solid part at cranial and posterior of uterus.
USG examination on Oct 25th 2011
- Retroflexed uterus , form, contur, and size wnl, pressured by mass
- Stratum basal of endometrial is regular and slight
- Portio and endoservical wnl
- Abdominal cavity fulled by solid mass wih cystic part, probably derived from neoplasms of ovarium
- Ascites (-)
- Liver: there are nodular masses in both hepatic lobes, size 35x36 mm (right) and 76x24mm (left), corrispond to metastases mass
- Hydronephrosis bilateral with diameter 19mm (right), 17mm (kiri)
Conclusion :
-Solid with cystic neoplasms of the ovary permagna accordance with malignancy.
Metastases mass multiple at hepatic.
-Hydronephrosis bilateral
Tumor marker examination on Oct 25th 2011 (first admission)
Ca125 245 U/mL
LDH: 1318 U/ml
Laboratory examination on Oct 25th 2011 (first admission)
WB :hb/ht/leu/tromb
Ur/Cr : 38/1,9
Urid Acid : 13,4
OT/PT: 36/14
Alb : 2,9
Electrolite : Na/K/Cl : 125/6,7/91
Blood Sugar : 882
Laboratory examination on Oct 29th 2011
WB :hb/ht/leu/tromb
Ur/Cr : 63/3,2
Alb : 2,5
Electrolite : Na/K/Cl : 121/4,11/86,5
Protrombin time (PT): Patient :13,6 second
Control : 12 second
APTT : Patient :49,6 second
Control : 30,9 second
Level of Fibrinogen : 436,9 mg/dl
D-Dimer : 2300 µg/L
Radiology examination result (Thorax PA) on Oct 25 2011
Cardio not enlargement, CTR<50%
Aortic and Mediastinum superior not becaome wide
Trachea in the middle. Both of Hilus not become thick
Multiple of noduler various sizes in both lung fields
Both of hemidiaphragma are smooth. Both of costophrenica sinus are sharp
Bone and soft tissue are good
Conclusion : appropriate picture of lung metastases
Review CT scan on Oct 31 2011
Multiple coin lesion on both pulmo. No pleura effusion. Hipodense mass septation, clear border, no contrast enhancement, size 15x10x12 cm. And also hiperdense inhomogen mass with enhancement, size 14 x 9 x12 cm from the uterus.
Conclusion : endometrium carcinom and ovarium cyst. Pulmonal metastatic, with bilateral hydronephrosis with nefrolithiasis.
Assesment : suspected ovarian cancer advanced stage, dd/endometrial cancer.
Plan: Lap biopsy
Palliative supportive
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