Case Conference September 28th 2011
28-Sep-2011, Divisi ginekologi onkologi RSCMMrs. Y/ 56 yo / P0 / 344 1323/ Gakin
History :
Complain of abdominal enlargement since September 2010.
On April 5th 2010 patient was performed laparoscopy SOD at “K” Hospital due to right ovarian tumor. PA result (April 9th 2011) was Endometriosis of right ovary, no sign of malignancy. Then, the patient did not control to Koja Hospital.
Patient went to CiptoMangunkusumo hospital on November 29th 2010. She also complained of difficulty in defecation. No complain in micturition.
Patient married twice (1977 & 1982), P0, Menopause for 8 year.
Physical examination (December 27th 2011):
General status :
BP 110/80 mmHg, HR 86x/minutes, RR 20 x/minutes, temp 36,8˚C
Height is 156 cm, weight is 61 kg
Conjunctiva not anemic
No enlargement of supraclavicular/axilla/inguinal limphnodes
Heart: wnl
Lung : no rales, no wheezing.
Abdomen : abdominal enlargement until 2 finger below umbilicus. Palpated solid mass with cystic part size approximately 10X10 cm and limited in mobilization
Extremities were warm
Gynecologic status:
I : no vaginal bleeding
Io: portio smooth, fluxus (-)
RVT : uterus normal, right parametrium were fixed. There was palpated solid mass with cystic part until 2 fingers below umbilicus and limited in mobilization, compressing the rectum. No mass on the rectum
Tumor marker :
CA-125 : 1277 U/L. (December 13th 2010)
LDH : 657 U/L (January 27th 2011)
AFP : 3,9 IU/mL (January 27th 2011)
CEA : 2.38 ng/mL (November 30 2010)
CT Scan (December 3rd 2010)
Solid mass with cystic part at pelvic area sized 9,07x10,5x8,8 cm originated from internal genitalia organ (dd/ ovarian, uterine). Thickening rectosigmoid wall à (dd/ secondary malignancy). Enlargement of several parametrium lymphenodes with the largest size 1,8 cm. Mass at subcutis area and abdomen wall à metastasis. Right hidronefrosis and hidroureter.
FM-US (December 8th 2010)
Uterus size normal, anteflexi. At anterior corpus there was hypocehoic mass, fine border size 5 x 17 mm come from myoma. At posterior corpus there was hyperechoic mass with no find border size 25 x 124 mm come from adenomiosis. Endometrium regular. Endocervix normal.
Both adnexa until douglas cavity and cranial uterine there is solid mass with cystic part, margin blur, adhere to surrounding tissue, irregular with texture not homogen, size 88 x 80 x 86 mm (right) and 78 x 45 x 84 mm (left), with neovascularization RI 0,54 originated from bilateral ovary suspected malignancy. At cranial uterus, mass from right adnexa spread until omentum, peritoneal, and fascia (until suprafascia) size 70 x 80 mm.
Ascites (-), Hydronefrosis at right kidney.
Conclusion: Solid with cystic part ovarian neoplasm suspected malignancy, Invasion until suprafascia.
Small myoma uterine intramural and adenomyosis. Severe intrapelvic adhesion
BNO – IVP (December 17th 2010)
Secretion and excretion the right kidney couldn’t be evaluated until 120th minute.
At the left kidney there was narrowing left ureter at vertebra S1 and hidroureter proximal from narrowing. There was mass with soft tissue density from pelvic until abdomen which indentation the superior vesica.
FNAB (December 28th 2010)
FNAB contain amorphic fluid, solid leucocyte and macrofag cell, no malignant cell
Conclusion : Inflamation cyst (Abses ?)
Chest X-ray (January, 4th 2011) :
There were no abnormality in lung and heart. No metastases in the lung.
PA from Review slide no 1100054 (January 11th2011) : correspond to endometriosis cyst.
Gynecological US finding (January 26th 2011):
Uterus normal, at posterior corpus there was hyperechoic area, no fine border size 3 x 2 cm. Multilocular cystic mass size 9,6 X 10X 7 cm, septum thickness is 5-8 mm, echointernal (+), RI negative.
Left Adnexa : empty. Minimal anechoic fluid on Douglas cavity.
Abdominal US finding:
Liver normal, no metastases. No enlargement of paraaortic lymphnodes.
Pelviectasis on both kidneys with cortex thickness right 14 mm & left 13 mm.
No free fluid at pleural and peritoneal cavity
There was suprapubic mass, multiloculer, separated from intraabdominal mass
Conclusion :
Right cystic ovarian neoplasm suspected residive endometrioma
Bilateral hydronephrosis grade II
Subcutis abcess on suprapubic area.
· Right cystic ovarian neoplasm suspect malignancy
· Post laparoscopic SOD outside (PA: Endometriosis)
· Subcutis Abcess
· Adenomyosis (size 3x2 cm)
· Thickening rectosigmoid wall --> DD/secondary malignancy
Laparotomy biopsy of the tumor mass, omentectomy and colostomy on March 3rd 2011 :
Preop diagnosis : Ovarian cyst suspect malignant with subcutaneous abcess
Postop diagnosis : Clinically stage III ovarian cancer
Operation Report:
Subcutis mass was infiltrated until peritoneum, sized 6 cm, perfomed excision biopsy on the subcutis mass à Frozen section : cystadenocarcinoma
Exploration :
Complex mass intraabdominally, compossed by ovarian masses, uterine, sigmoid colon, severe adhesion in the pelvic cavity (frozen pelvis)
Multiple tumor implant at omentum largest sized Ø 2 cm, intestine sized 1 cm, and milliary nodules at sigmoid colon
Sigmoid colon was enlarged due to partial obstruction
Perfomed adhesiolysis à hardy bleeding, decided to perform biopsy at ovarian mass, omentectomy
Digestive surgery : perfomed colostomy at the level of transverse colon
Plastic surgery : add more 2 cm excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue (from tumor origin) for evaluation of the border
PA Result 1101671 :
Histologically appropriate with cystadenocarcinoma of ovary, poor differentiation grade 3. Tumor type was most probably serous type. Tumor spreading on 13 lymphnodes.
March 8th 2011 :
Discussion with Prof. DR. dr. Andrijono, OBGYN (C) à continued with chemotherapy
Chemotherapy Ebetaxel 210 mg + Gemzar 1200 mg 3 series (March 14th 2011 ; April 27th 2011; May 6th 2011)
Evaluation post chemotherapy :
US (July 13th 2011) : Cystic mass on Douglass pouch no fine border sized 110x84x103 mm (vol 500 cc), adhered to sorrouding tissue, with solid part and papillary mass, originated from malignant ovarian neoplasm.
Ca 125 (June 22nd 2011) : 152.8 U/mL
Abdominal CT-Scan on August 4th 2011 ;
Ovarian cancer post chemotherapy, compared with CT scan on March 2011, increase on size of left adnexal mass sized ± 11,77x12,45x11,61 cm. The mass was widespreading to posteroinferior bladder and obliterating perivesical fat, suspected an infiltration. Bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter, particularly on the right side.
Cystic lesion at the caput of the right femur
Hernia abdominalis
Radiograph on pelvis (Sept 22nd 2011) :
No abnormality of pelvic bones
Radiograph on Femur (Sept 22nd 2011) :
No abnormality of bilateral femoral bones
Ovarian cancer advanced stage, post chemotherapy
Progression after 3 series of chemotherapy
Palliative care ?
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