Case Conference September 7th 2011
07-Sep-2011, Divisi ginekologi onkologi RSCMMrs. S/ 33 yo/ P1/SKTM
June 21st 2011 : she came to Ciptomangunkusumo hospital to surgery departement with chief complain obstipation.
2 months before admission, obstipation and bleeding during defecation. Also abdominal pain.
She had regular period.
July 29th 2011
She was consulted by Surgeon department with suspected ovarium tumor and adenocarcinoma recti.
Physical examination on July 29th 2011 :
Gen st :
Abdomen : palpated solid mass sized 10 x 8 x 8 cm and fixed
Gyn status :
I : VU wnl
Io: Portio can’t be identified. The Portio cranially retracted.
RVT : Solid mass in in the abdomen suspected came from right adnexa, filling the Douglas cavity and the rigt adnexa, probably from right adnexa. There were also solid mass in the right adnexa area and also fixed. Rectocele (+)
Laboratory finding June 27 2011 :
CBC : Hb 9,5/Ht 31,8%/T 462.000/L 7050
OT 17/ PT 12/ Alb 4,34/ Ur 13/ cr 0,6/ GDS 85 mg/dl
CEA 4,54 ng/ml / AFP 1,3 IU/ml/ Ca 125 349,5 U/ml/ HbsAg (-)
August 8,2011
LDH 336 U/L
August 10, 2011
CA 19-9 11,9 U/mL
USG examination August 2nd 2011 :
Uterus wnl. There are 3 cystic mass with solid part. All three masses have the same pictures: irregular wall, adhered to the bowel and surrounding tissues.
- Dextrokranial uterus : 113 x 87 x 102 mm
- Douglas cavity-left adnexa : 100 x 84 x 85 mm
- Left epigastrium (as high as L3-4) : 94x57x62 mm
Hepar,lien and kidney wnl.
Summary : multiple malignancy mass intraabdominal (probably metastasis)
Primary organ not clear.
Colonoscopy July 22th 2011 :
Exophytic mass intralumen 15 until 20 cm from anal, suspected malignancy.
Biopsy was done.
Roentgen Thorax : wnl
BNO IVP : right Hydronefrosis and Hydroureter. Left kidney wnl.
CT scan Abdomen :
Multiple cystic mass with solid part from pelvic cavity until abdomen infiltrated the bowels. The primary organ is not clear. Suspected from both ovary. No lymph node enlargement.
PA rectal biopsy (1105680) :
Adenocarcinoma papiler.
CC August 10, 2011 September 6
CT-Scan : tend to be rectal cancer (or adnexal mass?)
Signet Ring Cell ? à evaluate Ca 19-9
Plan to have Joint Discussion with digestive surgery, pathology and radiology department à possibility to posterior exenteration
Check immunohistochemistry
Immunohistochemistry (110555) :
CK 7 : strong positive for cytoplasmic membrane of tumor cell
CK 20 : weak positive for cytoplasm / cytoplasmic membrane of a part of tumor cell
CK 117 : negative
Conclusion : Morphologic and immunohistochemistry pattern supported to tumor spread of papillary carcinoma originated from ovary
Problem :
• Ovarian cancer with metastatic to rectum
- Possibility to perform posterior exenteration
Joint Discussion with Digestive Surgery, Pathology and Radiology department
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