Case Conference August 10th 2011
10-Aug-2011, Divisi ginekologi onkologi RSCMMrs. S/ 33 th/ P1
July 29th 2011
She was consulted by Surgeon colleagues with suspected ovarium tumor and adenocarcinoma recti.
June 21st 2011 : she came to Ciptomangunkusumo hospital to surgery departement with cc: obstipation.
2 months before admission, obstipation and bleeding during defecation. Also abdominal pain.
She had regularly period.
Physical examination on July 29th 2011 :
Gen st :
Abdomen : palpated solid Mass and fixed.
Gyn status :
I : VU wnl
Io: Portio can’t be identified. The Portio cranially retracted.
RVT : solid mass fixed in Douglas cavity, probably from left adnexa. Solid mass in the right adnexa area fixed.
Labarotary finding June 27 2011 :
CBC : Hb 9,5/Ht 31,8%/T 462.000/L 7050
OT 17/ PT 12/ Alb 4,34/ Ur 13/ cr 0,6/ GDS 85 mg/dl
CEA 4,54 ng/ml / AFP 1,3 IU/ml/ Ca 125 349,5 U/ml/ HbsAg (-)
USG examination August 2nd 2011 :
Uterus wnl. There are 3 cystic mass with solid part. All three masses have the same pictures: irregular wall, adhered to the bowel and surrounding tissues.
- Dextrokranial uterus : 113 x 87 x 102 mm
- Douglas cavity-left adnexa : 100 x 84 x 85 mm
- Left epigastrium (as high as L3-4) : 94x57x62 mm
Hepar,lien and kidney wnl.
Summary : multiple malignancy mass intraabdominal (probably metastasis)
Primary organ not clear.
Colonoscopy July 22th 2011 :
Exophytic mass intralumen 15 until 20 cm from anal, suspected malignancy.
Biopsy was done.
Roentgen Thorax : wnl
BNO IVP : right Hydronefrosis and Hydroureter. Left kidney wnl.
PA rectal biopsy (1105680) :
Adenocarcinoma papiler.
Assessment :
• Ovarian neoplasm suspected malignancy
• Adenocarcinoma rectal dd/ metastase.
• Core biopsy
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