Case Conference May 25th 2011
01-Jun-2011, Divisi ginekologi onkologi RSCMMrs. M/ 51 years old/P6A0/ JAMKESDA
She was referred by PKM Pangkal Pinang with uterine cancer.
Vaginal bleeding like menstrual bleeding was complained since 5 days before admission that last for 2 days, then continued with vaginal spotting. Post coital bleeding nor foul vaginal discharge was denied.
Since 2 weeks before admission, she complained of having tense abdomen and abdominal enlargement. Complaint was accompanied with urination and defecation difficulty. She then went to PKM Pangkal Pinang. She was catheterized and examined with USG, which revealed uterine cancer.
She then was referred to RSCM.
She was married at 22 years old, with her youngest child is 18 years old.
Her menarche was at 16 years old. Her period stopped 6 months ago.
General status :
Abdomen : solid mass was palpated as high as the umbilicus, immobile, shifting dullness (+)
Gynecological status :
I : v/u within normal limit
Io : smooth vaginal wall, smooth portio, fluxus(-), fluor(-)
RVT : CUT within normal limit, solid mass was palpated as high as the umbilicus, immobile, rectal
mucous was smooth
USG Oncology Gynecology (February 18. 2011) :
Uterus was 5,5 X 2,1 cm, retroflexed
Homogenous echostructure, no mass/lesion
Regular endometrium 2,4 mm
Adnexa : cyctic multilocular lesion, 22 X 15 X 18 cm, septa 2,4 mm, internal-echo (+), papilla (+), solid part (+), vasscularization at the solid part with RI 0,40, cant be determined from left or right ovarium
No free fluid at Douglas pouch
Liver and spleen within normal limit, no metastasis lesion
Paraaortic LN cant be evaluated due to the mass
No hidronefrosis
Bilateral pleural effusion
Massive ascites
Assessment :
Cystic ovarian neoplasm with papilla and solid part suspected as malignancy
Tumor marker (February 15. 2011) :
Ca 125 : 2.362
Cytology of ascites (February 23. 2011) :
Glandular neoplasm, DD/ : 1. Adenoma borderline
2. Adenocarcinoma cant still be excluded
Assessment :
Cystic ovarian neoplasm suspected as malignancy
Plan of treatment :
frozen section
March 3. 2011
Pre operative diagnosis : cyctic ovarian neoplasm suspected as malignancy
Post operative diagnosis : advanced stage ovarian cancer, post suboptimal debulking
Operation procedure : TH-SOB, omentectomy, appendectomy
During operation :
RVT under anesthesia : cervix retracted anteriorly, normal sized uterus displaced posteriorly, palpated 15X15X15 cm solid mass fixated to posterior pelvic, sensation of severe adhesion
After peritoneum was opened :
o Serous ascites approximately 2.500 cc
o Normal uterus surrounded by fragile polypoid mass 20X20X20 cm originated from bilateral ovaries extending to Douglas pouch, adhered to rectosigmoid colon, 2X2 cm nodule on ventral right lobe, no pelvic and paraaortic LN enlargement.
o There were tumor implants on the peritoneum.
TH-SOB, omentectomy and appendectomy were performed.
There were residual tumor mass on anterior rectum approximately 4X4X1 cm, 2X2 cm on right liver lobe.
Bleeding 1.300 cc.
Post operative histopathology result (March 14. 2011) :
Adenocarcinoma serosum papilliferum of right and left ovaries, poor differentiation.
Tumor spread was found at appendix and omentum.
March 24. 2011 :
o Residual mass showing malignany at vaginal stump, measuring 74x44x58 mm
o No ascites
o Lever and spleen within normal limit
Ca 125 : 311,4
March 25. 2011
Discussion with consultant - Dr Hariyono Obgyn(C) :
Chemotherapy with CP : 3 series
Reexamination (PE, USG, Ca 125)
Followed with interval debulking (with possibility of colostomy)
Chemoterapy (CP) :
1. March 25. 2011
2. April 18. 2011
3. May 10. 2011
Post chemotherapy examination :
PE :
o No supraclavicula/axillar/inguinal LN enlargement
o Abdomen : no mass, no pain
o I : v/u within normal limit
o Io : smooth vaginal wall, smooth vaginal stump, flx(-), flr(-)
o Residual tumor at vaginal stump, measuring 29X24 mm with neovascularization and irregular border
o Liver and spleen within normal limit
o No ascites
Ca 125 : 73,3
Before Operation
Symptoms before operation : Abdominal enlargement
Physical Examination : Solid mass palpated, as high as the umbilicus
USG : cyctic multilocular lesion, 22 X 15 X 18 cm, septa 2,4 mm, internal-echo (+), papilla (+), solid part (+), vasscularization at the solid part with RI 0,40, cant be determined from left or right ovarium
Liver and spleen within normal limit, Massive ascites
Ca 125 : 2.362
Residual tumor : -
During Operation
Symptoms during operation : -
Physical Examination : Fragile polypoid mass 20X20X20 cm originated from bilateral ovaries extending to Douglas pouch, adhered to rectosigmoid colon, 2X2 cm nodule on ventral right lobe
USG : -
Ca 125 : -
Residual tumor : Residual tumor mass on anterior rectum approximately 4X4X1 cm, 2X2 cm on right liver lobe
Before Chemotherapy
Symptoms Before Chemotherapy : No complaint
Physical Examination : NED
USG : Residual mass showing malignany at vaginal stump, measuring 74X44X58 mm, no ascites
Liver and spleen within normal limit
Ca 125 : 311,4
Residual tumor : Residual mass showing malignany at vaginal stump, measuring 74X44X58 mm
After Chemotherapy
Symptoms After Chemotherapy : No complaint
Physical Examination : -
USG : Residual tumor at vaginal stump, measuring 29X24 mm with neovascularization and irregular border, No ascites, Liver and spleen within normal limit
Ca 125 : 73,3
Residual tumor : Residual tumor at vaginal stump, measuring 29X24 mm
Plan options :
1. Laparascopic interval debulking
2. Continue with chemotherapy
Mrs. S/ 53 years old/P3A0/JAMKESDA
January 28. 2003
Anamnesis :
o She was referred by an Obgyn with ovarian cyst
o Abdominal pain since 5 months before admission
o No urination and defecation abnormality
Gynecological status :
o I : v/u within normal limit
o Io : smooth portio, flx(-), flr(-)
o VT : CUT slightly enlarged, mass at left adnexa measuring 5 cm in diameter, pain (-)
o Uterus within normal limit, retroflexed
o At the back of the uterus, there was cystic mass with solid part measuring 125X84X109 mm, RI 0,4
o Left ovary cant be identified
o No ascites
o Liver and both kidneys within normal limit
o Assessment : Cystic ovarian neoplasm with solid part
February 10. 2003 :
Pre operative diagnosis : cystic ovarian neoplasm
Post operative diagnosis : Ovarian cancer (IIIC)
Operation procedure : TAH-BSO, omentectomy, appendectomy, lymphadenectomy, paracolical
During operation :
Cystic multilobulated mass with solid part, with cystic mass measuring 2-4 cm in diameter, from the right to the lef adnexa, expanded to Douglas pouch, measuring as big as an adult fist, partly ruptured
Milliary residual tumor at the Douglas pouch from the adhesion site of the tumor
Bleeding 500 cc
Postoperative histopathology (February 18. 2011) :
Carcinoma endometrioid cell, moderate to good differentiation
Omentum : no significant abnormality
Appendix : light inflamation
Right pelvic LN : 1 sinus catarrh
Left pelvic LN : 2 sinus catarrh
Right paracolica peritoneum : light inflammation
Left paracolica peritoneum : no significant abnormality
February 20. 2003 :
Planned to give chemotherapy (AP) approved by Dr Gatot Purwoto Obgyn(C)
Chemotherapy (AP) :
1. February 25. 2003
2. March 24. 2003
3. April 22. 2003
4. May 19.2003
5. June 18. 2003
6. July 24. 2003
June 8. 2004 :
No mass at the pelvic cavity
Normal liver and spleen
Assessment : no tumor mass at the pelvic cavity
August 25. 2005 :
Follow up : NED re-follow up in 1 year time
May 15. 2007 :
Follow up : NED, CR re-follow up in 6 months time
December 13. 2007 :
Follow up : NED
USG : residual tumor mass (-), pelvic LN enlargement (-), ascites (-)
Ca 125 : 27,2
Re-follow up in 6 months time
November 4. 2008 :
Follow up : NED
USG : residual tumor mass (-), pelvic LN enlargement (-), ascites (-)
Ca 125 : 26,6
Re-follow up in 6 months time
December 8. 2009 :
Follow up : NED
USG : residual tumor mass (-), pelvic LN enlargement (-), ascites (-)
Ca 125 : 36,8
Re-follow up in 1 year time
June 10. 2010 :
Follow up :
RVT : mass palpable measuring 2 cm at vaginal stump
USG : mass at right pelvic measuring 2,64X1,57X2,14 cm
mass at left pelvic measuring 1,86X1,237X1,25 cm
liver with suspicion of metastasis
Ca 125 : 35,4
Assessment : recurrent ovarian cancer with platinum sensitive
Plan of treatment : 2nd line chemotherapy
No treatment
Patient was given a counseling
November 29. 2010
Came to RSCM and ready for chemotherapy
Chemotherapy (CP) :
1. November 30. 2010
2. December 22. 2010
3. January 24. 2011
4. February 23. 2011
5. March 25. 2011
6. April 26. 2011
Evaluation after chemotherapy :
RVT : mass palpable measuring 2 cm at the right side of vaginal stump
o Uterus and both adnexas are not visible
o At the right pelvic cavity behind the bladder, there is echoic solid mass measuring 24X14X16 mm, with intra mass neovascularization (RI 0,8)
o Normal vaginal stump
o Normal bladder and rectovaginal wall
o No enlargement of iliac LN
o Liver, spleen and both kidneys within normal limit
o No ascites
o Assessment : residual mass of ovarian carcinoma
Ca 125 : 21,3
Assessment : recurrent ovarian cancer with platinum sensitive
Before Operation
Symptoms before operation : Abdominal enlargement
Physical Examination : CUT slightly enlarged, mass at left adnexa measuring 5 cm in diameter, pain (-)
USG : Uterus within normal limit, retroflexed at the back of the uterus, there was cystic mass with solid part measuring 125X84X109 mm, RI 0,4 Left ovary cant be identified,No ascites, Liver and both kidneys within normal limit
Ca 125 : -
Residual tumor : -
During Operation
Symptoms during operation : -
Physical Examination :
Cystic multilobulated mass with solid part, with cystic mass measuring 2-4 cm in diameter, from the right to the lef adnexa, expanded to Douglas pouch, measuring as big as an adult fist, partly ruptured
USG : -
Ca 125 : -
Residual tumor : Milliary residual tumor at the Douglas pouch from the adhesion site of the tumor
After 1st Chemotherapy
Symptoms After 1st Chemotherapy : No complaint
Physical Examination : NED
USG : Mass at right pelvic measuring 2,64X1,57X2,14 cm, Mass at left pelvic measuring 1,86X1,237X1,25 cm, Liver with suspicion of metastasis
Ca 125 : 35,4
Residual tumor : Residual tumor mass at right pelvic measuring 2,64X1,57X2,14 cm and at left pelvic measuring 1,86X1,237X1,25 cm, Liver with suspicion of metastasis
After 2nd Chemotherapy
Symptoms After 2nd Chemotherapy : No complaint
Physical Examination : Mass palpable measuring 2 cm at the right side of vaginal stump
USG : Uterus and both adnexas are not visible, At the right pelvic cavity behind the bladder, there is echoic solid mass measuring 24X14X16 mm, with intra mass neovascularization (RI 0,8), Normal vaginal stump, Normal bladder and rectovaginal wall, No enlargement of iliac LN, Liver, spleen and both kidneys within normal limit, No ascites Assessment : residual mass of ovarian carcinoma
Ca 125 : 21,3
Residual tumor : Residual tumor at the right pelvic cavity behind the bladder, there is echoic solid mass measuring 24X14X16 mm, with intra mass neovascularization (RI 0,8)
Plan of treatment : - debulking
- no treatment
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