Case Conference May 30th 2012

30-Mei-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM


May 30th, 2012



Mrs N, 52 yo, P5, 3542777, Jamkesmas

Adenosarcoma post TAH-BSO

DM Type II


March 14th, 2012

         Came to RSCM, referred by RSUD Bekasi with leiomyosarcoma

         CC : vaginal bleeding since 4 months

         Menopause 2 years

         Post coital bleeding (-)

         Went to RSUD Bekasi on Nov 2011 à diagnosed as cervical polyp à extirpation à PA result: ~cervical polyp

         2  months later repeat vaginal bleeding à diagnosed as cervical polyp à extirpation à PA result: ~cervical polyp

         1 month later, vaginal bleeding again à diagnosed as pedunculated submucosum uterine fibroid à extirpation à PA: leiomyosarcoma dd/ stromalsarcoma à referred to RSCM

         Weight loss (-), nausea (-), normal micturition and deffecation


History of previous illness: DM type II


Obsgyn, social history

         Menarche 14 yo, regular cycle, dismenorrhea (-)

         Married 2x, age 19 yo and 34 yo


         History of contraception: DMPA        

         Housewife, husband: labor


Physical Examination:

General status: wnl

Gynecological status

I: V/U normal appearance.

Io: smooth portio, there was mass came out from external ost, fragile, easily bleed, sondage 8,5cm

RVT: portio intact, with tissue cameout from external ostium, size 2x2x1cm, uterus size slightly enlarged, smooth anal mucosa, mass(-)


Oncology US:

Uterus: RF, globular, size 68x55x54mm, ekostrukutur parencym hypoechoic inhomogen, unclear border, irregular margin, size 26x21x22mm at posterior submucous, endometrial lining 12 mm, subendometrial halo, intracavity fluid  not visible. Bilateral adnexa can’t be visualized. No free fluid at douglass pouch. Intraabdomen organs, liver difficult to be assessed due to bilateral hyperechoic homogen and enlarged; abdominalis aorta was normal caliber, no paraaortal and parailiac  lymph nodes enlargement.

Both kidney no pelviokalices system dilatation.

No free fluid on pleural cavity and abdominal cavity. Lien 12 cm, hipoechoic homogen.

~ Fatty liver, nonspesific hepatosplenomegaliy. Endometrium thickening susp hyperplasia

   Susp malignant myometrium mass




CBC: 12.7/38.3/8470/254000/87/28/33

FBG/2PP: 125/178 Alb:4.2 Ur/cr: 19/0.6

Na/K/Cl: 132/3.3/95 OT/PT: 94/73

HbsAg: non reactive


Ro Thorax: wnl



Secretion and excretion both kidneys wnl


Review slide result:

Adenosarcoma, well-moderate diff


Assessment: Adenosarcoma

                        DM type II



       Laparotomy TAH-BSO



May 3rd, 2012

Performed laparotomy TAH-BSO



May 10th, 2012:

Adenosarcoma, invasion to more than half myometrium thickness and endocervix




What is the next plan for this patient?


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