Case conference May 16th 2012

16-Mei-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM


MAY 16th 2012




Ms. M., 28 yo, 3443484, Gakin

Dysgerminoma post SOS + chemotherapy PVB (6 series)


December 22th, 2010

•         Patient was referred from RSUD Koja with pelvic mass (dysgerminoma) suspect residive

•         CC: abdominal mass since 1 year

•         11 months before: surgery at RSUD Koja Jakarta ΰ left salphingoovorectomy ΰ lost of follow up (2x visits after surgey).

•         PA Sukanto Hospital (k 2100059): dysgerminoma

•         Abdominal mass again since 2 months before.


January 5th, 2011

•         Review slide result: dysgerminoma of ovary

•         US: Solid ovarian neoplasmwith vol>3400cm3 susp maligna. Metastases lesion on hepar (-), paraaortic lymph nodes (-), bilateral hydronephrosis grade 2, pleural effusion (-), ascites minimal.


CC Result January 12th, 2011

•         Patient should be hospitalized because there was renal impairment

•         Discuss with urology department for the possibility of having URS, nefrostomy, or double G.

•         Evaluation after procedure to make better renal function, wheter we will give chemotherapy or chemoradiation.


January 17th, 2011

•         Urologist: bilateral DJ stent insertion


February - October, 2011

•         Chemotherapy Carbo/Vinblalstin/Bleomysin 6 series


Jully 13th, 2011

•         FM US: post left oovorectomy, no sign of uterine abnormality, right adnexal adhesion, no sign of new mass nor metastases.


November 18th, 2011

•         FM US: right adnexal mass, adhesion mass (right adnexal inflammation) compared to previous US: hydrosalphing and adhesion on the right adnexa ΰ advise: cautious on the right adnexa mass, seromarker check and US in 3 months

•         Discussion with consultant dr. Andi D., OBGYN(C)

•         Suspect residive ΰ discuss in CC

•         CT scan

•         Discussion with consultant dr. Hariyono OBGYN(C)

•         Considering LDH before chemo 2084 ΰ 440 (respon), eventhough (post chemo 3x 361)

•         Clinically no mass

•         US: small mass 2,5cm, pseudocyst before 4,8cm



November 24th, 2011

•         Discussion with consultant dr. Sigit P., OBGYN(C)


•         residual mass on previous operation ΰ seems no residu

•         LDH 2084 ΰ 440 ΰ respon, but there’s increasing after chemo 3 series (360)

•         Patient already stop chemo quite long (last chemo 5/10/11)

ΰ evaluate LDH, perform CT scan if possible


December 21st, 2011

•         CT scan: right adnexal mass size 3,1x2,7x2,3cm, non spesific hepatomegaly, no sign of lymph node enlargement or metastases


January 2nd, 2012

•         Discussion with Dr. Laila, SpOG(K)

•         Two option: closed observation for 2 months, tumor marker exam+US

•         Laparoscopy biopsy

•         Patient and family choose to have observation first


March 6th, 2012

•         No complain, already menstruating for 2 months

•         Physical exam: wnl

•         Oncology US:

New mass: negative

Right mass: stqa

(still on the same size with CT scan result 27/12/11 by dr. Arman,SpRad)

•         Control every 2 months, check tumor marker (AFP, LDH), US


May 10th, 2012

•         No complain

•         Physical Examination:

General status: wnl

Gynecological status

I     : vulva, uretra wnl

              Io  : portio smooth, pushed right-posteriorly

RT : uterus normal size and shape, no palpable mass

•         Oncology US :

New mass: negative

Right mass: stqa

(still on the same size with CT scan result 27/12/11 by dr. Arman,SpRad)




















Discussion with Consultan Dr. dr. Laila Nurana, OBGYN (C)

θ Bring the case to Clinical Conference on May 16th, 2012



-          Dysgerminoma post SOS + chemotherapy PVB (6 series)

-          Next plan for this patient, observation only or operative?

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