Case conference April 25th 2012

25-Apr-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM


APRIL 25th 2012



Mrs AR, 48 yo, 3535118, Askes

Cervical carcinoma IIIB post complete radiation with partial response, Type II Diabetes Mellitus


January 11th, 2012:  

Patient was referred to RSCM from Manado with cervical carcinoma st IIB, bulky tumor (>4cm)

2  years before vaginal discharge (+), post coital bleeding (+)

August 2011: vaginal bleeding à biopsy PA: clear cell carcinoma

Married 1x, P3


February 6th, 2012:

St Gyn:   

      I: vulva /urethra wnl

      Io: exophytic cervical mass size 7x5 cm, vaginal wall smooth

      RVT: exophytic cervical mass size 7x7x5 cm, until both parametrium, and left pelvic wall



CBC: 8.6/29.1/29600/367.000

FBG: 398 mg/dl, PP 570 mg/dl

OT/PT: 11/7 Ur/Cr: 22/0.4

HbA1C: 12.5%


September 24th, 2011 PA no.PDPA 1053, Manado:

Clear cell carcinoma


Histopatology January 11th, 2012, slide No. 1200306:

Squamous adenocarcinoma, poor differentiated

Lymphovasculer invasion (-), moderate necrosis, mild lymphocyte reaction


US Fetomaternal:

Cervical malignancy (bulky tumor), invasion until OUI, both parametria, posterior bladder wall

Paraaorta lymphnode enlargement and suspected metastatic on both parailiac lymphnodes.


Rectoscopy: no rectal metastase

Cystoscopy: cystitis

Chest X-ray: no sign of metastase

BNO-IVP: suspected right hydronephrosis grade I, both renal function wnl



Metabolic endocrine consultation:

Regulating blood glucose

Metformin 3x850 mg, Glurenorm 2x1








February 24 th, 2012- April 6th, 2012:

Performed external radiation


March 16th, 2012- April 9, 2012:

Performed internal radiation

Total dose 73 Gy, partial response radiation, with cervical residual mass


April 24th, 2012

Both legs swelling, defecation and mixturition wnl, vaginal bleeding (-)


Physical examination:

St gen :

      No enlargement of supraclavicular, axillar, or inguinal  lymph node

      Lower extremities: oedema (+/+)

St gyn:

      I: vulva /urethra wnl

      Io: mass size 3x3x3 cm on portio, fluor (+), fluxus (-)

      RVT:palpated portio mass size 3x3x3 cm, no infiltration on both parametrium





Oncology US April 24th, 2012:

Cervical size post radiation 30 mm

Enlargement left inguinal lymphnode

Bilateral pleural efusion



Cervical carcinoma IIIB post complete radiation with partial response, Type II Diabetes Mellitus


Discussion with consultant (Prof.Andrijono, OBGYN (C)) :

will be discuss further in clinical conference

cervical carcinoma IIIB partial response post complete radiation with residual tumor 3x3x3 cm

à needle radiation?


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