Case conference feb 1st 2012

01-Feb-2012, Divisi Ginekologi Onkologi RSCM


February 1st   2012



MsF/ 18 yo, ,3660201, Jamkesda





January 5th, 2011


Patient came to RSCM with chief complain enlarging lower abdominal mass of 2 months .Lost apetite and there was decreased of body weight since 1 month ago No problem on micturition and defecation

Last menstrual period 2011 september. Before that time, the patient had regular menstrual period .

Menarche 12 yo, regular menstrual period, 28-30 days, duration 7 days, change pads 3x/day..



History :


No hypertension and DM history


Family history:


Hipertension (-), DM (-), heart/lung diseases (-), tumor/malignancy (-)




General status,

Compos mentis

BP 120/80 mmHg     Pulse88 x/min           RR 24x/min   T afebrile

TB 150 BB 40kg

Conjunctiva    : not anemic

Heart/lung     :wnl

Abdomen       :enlarged until xp, with shifting dullness , pain-

Extremities     : edema -/-


Gynecological status (staging)


Inspection      :wnl

RE                   : cystic with solid part mass palpable with unclear marginat  

adnexa,Tonus sphincter anigood, mucous rectum smooth


Laboratory result (30/1/2012)

CBC: 13/39,5/7000/617.000

OT/PT:26/18  Ur/Cr:13/0,6 , Na/K/Cl : 132/5,4/99, alb 2,28 ,D dimer : 400 , CCT 51,92



Tumor marker :

            Ca125 : 213               AFP : 0,6                     hCG : 5,4

            LDH    : 540               CA    : 31,54


Cytology  result:

Ascites Cytology        : adenocarcinoma

yolk sac tumor


Ultrasound (06/1/2012) :

 Massive ascites and cystic multiloculerneoplasma with solid part suspect malignancy with unclear malignancy organ origin , suspect left ovarian dd non gynecology tumor . Left kidney congenital anomaly ( pelvic kidney ?)



Chest x ray: 4/1/2012:

Normal heart with minimal infiltrate at right parakardial


CT Scan :

Cystic mass multiloculer at pelvic cavity suspected from left adnexa

Massive ascites

Right pleural effusion

Left ectopic kidney shift to right side as high as vertebrae L5






Neoplasma cystic with solid part suspect malignancydd Non gynecologic tumor




Consult to digestive surgery division

NAC or laparotomy

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