Case Conference August 3rd 2011

03-Aug-2011, Divisi ginekologi onkologi RSCM

Mrs. F/ 42 th/ P2/ SKTM




Agt 2nd 2011

Patient came to Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital with chief complaining: vaginal bleeding. Normal micturition and defecation. P2 (alive child 1).




General status :

  • Still within normal limit
  • No enlargement of supraklavicular or inguinal lymph node


Gynecological Status (staging consultant):

      Insp v/u : normal

      Inspeculo : exophitic  mass at the cervix sized 6 x 5 x 5 cm (LL-AP-CC),

      VT and RT : exophitic and endophitic portio, both parametrium were noduler reached the pelvic wall, retal mucous was smooth.

      Cervical lesions clinically corresponded to cervical cancer stage IIIB



Pathology Result RS Sukanto Polri  ( July 7th 2010):

Adenocarcinoma cervix, moderate  differentiated, mild lymphocyte reaction.


Review slide PA no: 2100857 (august 18th 2010) :

Adenocarcinoma cervix endocervical type, moderate differentiated. Limfatic invasion (+),mild lymphocyte reaction, minimal necrosis.


Chest X-Ray ( august 6th 2010)

No signs of metastase.


BNO-IVP (august 6th 2010)

Both kidney secretion & exretion were normal. No sign of obstruction.


Cystoscopy : Suspected bladder metastases

Hystopathology : chronic cystitis


Assessment on August 26th 2010 :



Management on August 26th 2010:

Chemoradiation for cervical metastatic lesions

Ovareksis (patient refused it due to financial problem)

September 22th – November  30th 2010:

Chemoradiation followed by internal radiation were performed.


February 2nd 2011 :

Control 3 months after radiation with chief complain: contact bleeding.

Gen status : no lymph node enlargment.

Gyn status :

Io :  hyperemis Portio, fluxux (+), bleeding (+)

RVT : not done

Plan :

Cervical smear in 1 month.


March 30th 2011 :

CC : vaginal bleeding,  leucorrhea

Gen status : no lymph node enlargment.

Gyn status :

Io :  exophytic mass size 3 x 2 x 2 cm reached 1/3 vagina.

RVT : portio was nodule, stiff parametrium reached pelvic wall.

Ass: Ca cx partial respon

Plan : biopsy was done

           Staging consultant


April  14th 2011 :

CC : vaginal bleeding

Gen status :no lymph node enlargment.

Gyn status :

Io :  exophytic mass  reached 1/3 vagina,easy to bleed.

RVT : nodule portio, stiff parametrium reached pelvic wall.

Plan: Pelvic Radiation


August 1st 2011 :

Patient came to oncology clinic . She is still on radiation (after the 11th radiation).

Consult from the radiotherapy : whether it is possible to give chemotherapy as sensitizer with Taxan?

CC : Nodul in inguinal area since the 5th radiation.

Gen status : right inguinal lymph node enlargment.

Gyn status :

Io :  exophytic mass  size 2 x 2 x 2 cm reached 1/3 vagina,easy to bleed.

RVT : portio noduler, stiff parametrium reached pelvic wall.



Ca Cx progression disease during treatment.

Still need for chemotherapy ?

What kind of chemotherapy?




FNAB  right inguinal  lymph node enlargement.









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